Raise awareness among financial advisors about a benchmarking tool and drive engagement via blog visits and through leadership email subscriptions. The benchmarking tool provided key insights on a return to normal activity in the US following the Covid-19 pandemic, considering activities like travel, returning to work and school, shopping and dining out.
Fundamental Media decided to use gamification units to achieve higher levels of engagement. Our inhouse design team created four units each asking a multiple-choice question. After clicking on an answer, the user would see the answer to the question and could click through to the client’s blog which explained the benchmark in more detail.
The ads ran programmatically via a curated whitelist of relevant sites (via our proprietary programmatic platform AMX), LinkedIn and Twitter. Fundamental Media was instrumental in the development of the interactive units which were unique, timely and well received among internal stakeholders.
Our proprietary analytics platform, Outcome Analytics, allowed to gauge sentiment and understanding of the various topics explored in the content.