Fundamental Media Insights

Education & Careers
22 June 2023

The benefits of year-round advertising for business schools

Being top of mind during a long period can significantly increase a school’s lead-to-conversion rate

Key points:

  • Many professionals may consider an MBA at some point in their career but will wait until the circumstances are right for them.
  • Consideration to enrolment can take 12-18 months or more, and schools who have a consistent marketing presence have a higher lead-to-enrolment rate than those who don’t.
  • The decrease in GMAT test-takers means that the market is more competitive than ever, and schools who are front of mind at consideration stage are far more likely to get the quality applicants they want.
  • Advertising from spring through fall helps your school push through and stay at the top of students’ minds when the accepted student is deciding to enroll.

Fundamental L&D’s campaign-based data strongly suggests that business schools should advertise throughout the year, because the decision to commit to going back to school takes time, thought and preparation.

An unequivocal aspect of marketing is that many potential students are not in the mindset to apply right now; most may not apply for months or years. Many professionals may consider an MBA at some point in their career but will wait until the circumstances are right for them. This could be several years from now.

Good marketing will increase sales in future buying situations as the probability that your brand comes to mind when the buyer is in the market increases. The brand that gets remembered and has a consistent strong presence often wins.

For business schools, advertising heavily in spring and summer is essential, as this is the time when prospective students are making their decisions. By weighted advertising at key times, you keep your school at the top of the mind for these students.

Come fall, prospective students will have already applied, but this does not mean they will enroll. Advertising from spring through fall helps your school push through and stay at the top of students’ minds when the accepted student is deciding to enroll.

Adopting a continuous advertising approach means schools will be able to keep conversations up with prospects and in turn establish an effective method of keeping up to date. An always-on approach promotes further reach across all channels, as audiences can be reached at different points throughout their journey.

This isn’t to say that tactical campaigns and always-on campaigns cannot be used together. If the university has means to do so, this could be a highly effective way of consistently bringing in leads, promoting events and sharing information.

Many business schools slow down their campaigns during the admissions period. But keeping your school at the top of mind of students from submissions to enrollment in the fall has clear benefits. Having your school ads at the top of mind during this long period can significantly convert your leads to enrolment.

For more information on how our specialist Higher Education team could help increase your leads and enrolments, contact Robyn Davidson 

Insights Education & Careers The benefits of year-round advertising for business schools