Fundamental Media Insights

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17 January 2024

ESG advertisers shift to insights promotion in Europe

The share of overall asset management advertising dedicated to ESG promotion remained unchanged, according to data by Fundamental Monitor

Key points:

  • ESG advertising in Europe consisted for 46% out of insights promotion during Q4 2023, while ESG brand campaigns dropped to 30%.
  • 31 out of 86 asset management advertisers included some ESG messaging.
  • Most ESG advertisers were present in the UK, followed by Switzerland, Benelux and Italy.

Asset managers shifted their ESG advertising in Europe to the promotion of insights during Q4 2023, while ESG brand campaigns dropped, data by Fundamental Monitor found.

ESG advertising in Europe consisted for 46% out of insights promotion during Q4 2023, up from 31% in Q3, while ESG brand campaigns dropped from 44% to 30% during the same period. ESG fund promotion remained unchanged at 25% of total ESG advertising.

Q4 2023 Europe ESG advertisers_original

During Q4, 31 out of 86 asset management advertisers included some ESG messaging. These 31 advertisers dedicated 28% of all their advertising to the promotion of ESG (down from 33% in Q3), while ESG advertising accounted for 14% of all asset management advertising during that quarter, unchanged from Q3. Seven managers focused only on ESG promotion: Federated Hermes, Swisscanto Invest, Kairos, Eden Tree Investment Management, Ninety One, Manulife Investment Management and VanEck.

All European markets monitored by Fundamental Monitor saw some ESG advertising, with most ESG advertisers present in the UK (16), followed by Switzerland (12), Benelux (11) and Italy (9).

Below are some examples of the type of ESG campaigns that were in market in Europe during Q4 2023:

BNP Paribas Asset Management

Q4 2023 Europe ESG BNP Paribas-1_original

Q4 2023 Europe ESG BNP Paribas-2_original

Q4 2023 Europe ESG BNP Paribas-3_original

Allianz Global Investors

Q4 2023 Europe ESG Allianz_original


Q4 2023 Europe ESG iShares_original

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Insights Competitor alerts ESG advertisers shift to insights promotion in Europe