Fundamental Media Insights

Research insights
30 January 2025

More than three-quarters of Swiss institutional investors read financial newsletters at least weekly

Meanwhile, only 67% still reads print publications, research by Fundamental Media has found 

Key points: 

  • Financial and industry newsletters are read by 86% of Swiss institutional investors on at least a weekly basis. 
  • Most Swiss institutional investors incorporate ESG criteria into their investment strategies and are likely to increase their use in the next 12 months. 
  • The reliance on investments consultants has decreased substantially since 2019, with now less than a third of Swiss institutional investors using them. 

Financial and industry newsletters are read by 86% of Swiss institutional investors on at least a weekly basis, research by Fundamental Media has found. 

With the majority of respondents receiving print publications at the office, print is still widely read, although a third of respondents stated they do not read print publications at all. Podcasts, on the other hand, are not very popular, with half of Swiss institutional investors not listening to them at all for business purposes.  

From May to November 2024, we surveyed 50 institutional investors in Switzerland about their investment views, satisfaction with asset managers and media consumption. The Switzerland report is part of our institutional investors research, which also includes reports on Germany, the US, the UK, France and the Netherlands. 

Most Swiss institutional investors incorporate ESG criteria into their investment strategies and are likely to increase their use in the next 12 months. However, 30% of respondents feel that there is not enough information available on ESG, and asset managers still have room to improve their support in this regard. 

When it comes to asset classes, Swiss institutional investors anticipate an increase in global equities, North American equities and Swiss equities. On the other hand, fixed income and multi asset are more likely to see decreases. 

Among different management styles, ESG strategies, along with active management and passive management, are the most likely to increase. Though ETFs are currently not widely used, 22% of respondents are likely to increase their ETF usage. 

Manager selection process 

The process of researching asset management brands and awarding institutional mandates involves the use of multiple sources of information. The reliance on investments consultants has decreased substantially since 2019, with now less than a third of Swiss institutional investors using them. 

Swiss institutional consultant use_original

Institutional investors tend to rely mainly on colleagues/peers, asset managers and data providers for information on their investment strategies.The reliance on financial media is lower compared to other sources of information, but it is still relied on by 45% of respondents. 

During the process of manager selection, performance, fees and the investment team are the main factors used to discard unsuitable managers. When it comes to picking the winner, performance remains key, while strategy/investment takes second place, overshadowing fees and investment team. 

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Insights Research insights More than three-quarters of Swiss institutional investors read financial newsletters at least weekly